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Astronomy Outreach

The most important part of our mission is the Astronomy Outreach programme. Through these programmes we hope to popularise astronomy and reinvigorate the long lost inquisitiveness man had towards the cosmos. The programme also aims to see Earth from a different perspective so that individuals start appreciating the importance of conserving this environment, being kind to one another and cherish this precious planet. This programme is the key to open up the 3rd Dimension. 


Our experience of talking about Astronomy among communities show that awareness of basic working of nature is sadly non existent, especially among students. Besides, general public has very limited awareness of various objects that are visible at night. For example, many people mistake the bright planets like Venus, Jupiter, etc., to be stars. Such lack of awareness among public has only strengthened our resolve to popularise Astronomy.


The outreach consists of multiple activities as follows:


  • Astronomy and environment related presentations and lectures 

  • Astronomy related interactive workshops

  • Viewing the night sky through a 10 inch reflector telescope from within your premises

  • Stargazing sessions (a.k.a. Star Parties) at a dark sky location outside the city limits during new moon day

  • Special viewing and educational sessions during important celestial events like eclipse, conjunction, opposition, etc.


Outreach is provided for 

  • Educational institutions

  • Residential communities

  • Corporates


Outreach is typically done on weekends, but under special circumstances we are available to conduct this on weekdays as well. For more details, please write to us or post your query in the Contact Us page.

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National borders vanish when we look up at the star studded night sky....
Our ego vanishes when we stare at the stars and wonder at the immensity of the Universe....
We forget the contradictions that plague this world, when the heavens hold us in awe...
Astronomy makes us realise how insignificant and vulnerable we are in the grand cosmic stage...
Astronomy makes us realise how privileged we are to be living on this planet...
Astronomy encourages us to reflect on the purpose of our life and why it is important to act kindly to other living beings and protect the environment we live in...
In other words, astronomy is a character building activity 
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WhatsApp Image 2020-01-26 at

"Suresh has a tremendous knowledge on the subject and he is so patient in passing on the knowledge and children are blessed to be part of this program" - Karthikeyan Murugan, Bangalore

"Very interesting Astronomy sessions by Suresh. Kids developed interest in the subject. And awerness towards environment. Looking forward to next sessions"

- Poornima Darshan, Bangalore

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