Plastic Free July @Luxus
Plastic Free July @Luxus is a month-long residential community based campaign to celebrate Plastic Free July, as part of the global movement organized by The Plastic Free Foundation.
During this month residents will be encouraged to take up plastic free challenges. The celebration will also involve spreading awareness through various modes of communication, including comic strips, art, literature, etc.
More details will be added throughout the month of July. So please do come back.
Our campaign ambassador is young Varad Dwivedi (8 year old), who has volunteered to lead this campaign as he realises that plastic pollution is one of the biggest threat to the future of the planet and young children like him.
This is what he had to say why he chose to lead this campaign
"Plastic has become inevitable in our day to day life and unlike other wastes, it takes forever to disintegrate. Hence, it is important that we become aware of how we can reduce plastic and also responsibly discard when used. I am learning at my end and want to let others know about it as well. If we all do our bit, we can bring big changes."

Event Details

A short story by Anahat Paritosh (8 Yrs)
Comic strip by Varad Dwivedi (8 yrs)